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Components Running the Conveyor

Components Running the Conveyor

January 24, 2017

Components Running the Conveyor

A conveyor system has a number of parts jointed into a synchronous system. The key components of a conveyor system include the following:


Conveyor shafts:

These include drive and tension management shafts placed on the conveyor system to manage the flow of products through the drive. For the best results, conveyor shafts are critical in defining how often the accompanying conveyor components such as gears, spools and shaft ends break during the normal course of product life.


Conveyor skid and support bars:

The framework of the conveyor system is built on a metal frame that supports other components of the conveyor. Each of the components has its role and must be held in place on the frame. Conveyor skid bars protect the products from tipping off during transportation, while the support bars offer structural support to delicate components of the conveyor system.


Conveyor system:

Not all conveyor components are directly involved in moving the product from one end to the other. A conveyor belt does most work when it comes to verging the products from one part to the other. Typically, the conveyor system consists of a belt, but can also be a network of chains or a set of rollers.


Conveyor tracking devices:

These are components used in detecting the position and movement of the products along the conveyor system. Conventionally, the tracking system consists of several conveyor components, among them belt edge detectors, compact and small belt trackers and spring-loaded rollers among others.


Sheaves and bearings:

Sheaves are short and low conveyor systems that are used at terminal ends of drums. The sheaves are often loaded on shafts to control the drive quality and tension during the movement of the products along the belt. On the other hand, bearings are used in lowering friction in areas likely to involve highly mobile operations.


At Norpak, we specialize in the production of high quality conveyor components of all types, classes and designs. For these and more, visit our shops, the website or call us today for more details.

Informative read! I'm very interested in conveyor belts and gear systems.
Posted by: Reed M. | May 12, 2017, 4:21 pm
Great simple break down.
Posted by: wade | January 24, 2017, 9:23 am
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