In the world of material handling, pallets are used extensively in many warehouses and operations. They require a certain type of conveyor system that is most compatible with them. In this blog, 4 such types of conveyor systems will be examined, and how they are optimal for pallet handling.
Types Of Pallet Handling Conveyors
Gravity Roller Conveyors
These conveyors are not powered mechanically or electrically. Instead, they rely on gravity and manual labour to move the pallets along the roller bed. For increased convenience, these conveyor rollers allow a certain amount of pitching to facilitate the movement of the pallet. Due to this feature, it can spin freely during operation.
Chain Driven Live Roller Conveyors
For pallets carrying heavy drums or objects, this type of conveyor is the most compatible. The chain mechanism allows the conveyor to transport incredible amounts of load with ease. Lastly, it is easy to modify the length and width of these chain conveyors. In fact, even the distance between two consecutive rollers can be aptly modified to facilitate the smooth movement of the pallets.
Drag Chain Conveyors
This type of conveyor also uses a chain mechanism. However, it uses multiple strands of chain. These chains are laid out in rails and the pallets are placed atop the chains. It is also capable of heavy-duty operation, although it may not be ideal for situations where constant starting and stopping are required.
Accumulating Conveyors
The last type is accumulating conveyors, and any of the powered conveyors mentioned above can be turned into accumulating type using Hytrol’s EZLogic technology. This allows the user to create optimal gaps between consecutive pallets, ensuring that the loads don’t come in contact with one another during starting or stopping. This makes the conveyors more versatile and functional in the long run.
At Norpak Handling, we specialize in the production of high-quality conveyor machines and components of all types, classes and designs. For these and more, visit our shops, the website or call us today for more details.