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2 Sustainability Tips For Material Handling Manufacturers

2 Sustainability Tips For Material Handling Manufacturers

August 13, 2024

Environmental sustainability is a huge determining factor in the manufacturing sector. This holds true for material handling manufacturers as well. Conveyor systems such as chain conveyors, roller conveyors, belt conveyors, or specialized variations all must adhere to certain environment-friendly guidelines. In this blog, 2 such sustainability tips are addressed that can majorly benefit any conveyor manufacturer.

How To Improve Sustainability?

Consider Disposable Practices

Firstly, consider the waste disposal practices of your organization and how they can be improved. It is important to take special care of materials such as leftover scrap, raw metal, unusable paint, cardboard, and other associated accessories. For instance, metal and leftover scrap can be repurposed and wood and cardboard can be recycled within the company or via a third party vendor. This recycled material can then be utilized in shipping and packaging processes.

Keep Stringent Control Over Emissions

Apart from reuse and recycling, another important aspect of environmentally friendly practices lies in reducing emissions. Fortunately, for the material handling sector, there isn’t much room for emissions. However, the paint used on the conveyors is one area where there is scope for improvement. Opt for a nontoxic, biodegradable paint for conveyors that is also well within the safe pH limits. This will ensure that the paint is non-toxic upon inhalation and it can be disposed of safely in a landfill without polluting the atmosphere.

This disposal can be done by the company itself or by taking assistance from a third party. The bottom line is with these practices, the quality of the conveyor production can also improve while driving down production costs and creating a more positive impact on the environment.

Norpak Handling is home to advanced material handling and turnkey solutions. We have a comprehensive range of efficient and economical products and accessories. Our conveyor range includes roller conveyors, chain conveyors, belt conveyors, plastic conveyors, accumulation conveyors, and much more. Our experts are also adept at designing custom solutions that match unique design and engineering specifications. Contact us today to learn more.

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